Grey days are for layering, getting cozy, and slowing down. I call them “grey days” because the sky is usually overcast or dark and it’s usually drizzly or stormy. My go-to colors on those days are typically dark - black especially.
At our last photo shoot, we let our model, Becky, style her outfits and choose her coats. I asked for one look that was “cozy”. When she pulled the blue blanket coat from the store and talked about her bright scarf - I admit I was thrown off. But, I could tell she had something in mind, and she was so confident that I trusted her.
Her version of cozy was so different from anything I had pictured. I was thinking dark colors - maybe a cup of coffee - a moody picture. She walked out and I grinned. Her cozy was bright and fun.
Grade school snow days - when your mom or dad turned off your alarm and let you sleep in because classes were canceled. Warming your hands on your mug of hot cocoa, bundled up with room enough to lift your mug testing the temperature - waiting for it to be safe to sip. Shedding your wet, cold clothes - throwing on pajamas and socks for the rest of the day. Putting the kids to bed and listening to their prayers when they ask for snow. Setting work aside for the day and marathon-watching a sitcom that you loved as a kid. Suggesting a spontaneous game of cards or dominoes with the family. Making snow ice cream. Watching raindrop races down the window.
Those are bright and fun cozy days.
It’s incredibly cold and grey outside right now. I’m not making the drive into Round Top. Instead, I’m working from home. But, I’m not grabbing my dark sweatpants and t-shirt - I’m going bright. I’m throwing on a touch of makeup. I’m wearing my electric blue blanket coat. I’m going to throw on a fun playlist and make hot chocolate - with marshmallows. I’m leaning into the psychology of color and I’m going to make the best of this day.
Find your own colorful, cozy kantha coat online or in-store today!