If you weren’t at the Winter Show in Round Top - let me tell you, it was cold. Silk tights, wool long underwear (two layers), ski socks, toe heaters in my boots, whatever my outfit was, a blanket coat, gloves, and propane heaters kind of cold. But it was (and always is) so much fun.
A seasoned Round Top shopper knows that weather extremes are part of the experience and we roll with it.
The downside of working a show is not having the time to get out and enjoy it. I live for your answers to “what was your favorite purchase? Favorite venue?” We are incredibly blessed at Sapana to have someone new on our team, Joyce. And get this - she’s never been to a show!

Did you ever give your kids a disposable camera on vacation to see what they would capture on film? I loved doing that with my two. One day, Joyce’s job description was to go out and get content. See the show, take pictures, and get back to me. I got tickled when she ended up at Blue Hills - she didn’t make it very far on my list and the first thing she brought up was the different people she met and conversations she had. Reminded me of going to the show with my son when he was little. He loved the conversations and the stories.
Stunning, well edited, perfectly composed pictures of Round Top are typical on social media feeds. I like the more quirky and unusual things. I reminded Joyce of that and asked her to capture anything that caught her eye. One of the first places I sent her to was in Warrenton - The Chicken Ranch - might as well throw her in the deep end of weird and wonderful Round Top.
This sweet moment with a ladder shelf, plastic hen, rusted metal cars, and two wooden boxers - perfect. Then there’s this one - was she focused on the mannequin leg or the shelves full of Virgin Marys - maybe it was the combination of the two. You never know what you’ll find at The Chicken Ranch and the best part is how they display everything.

Oh, the instagram “Mafia Wife” look was everywhere this show - and furs were front and center in several spaces.

Next, on Joyce’s list was to head down to Cisco Village. I wanted her to see the Carousel and also meet my friends Johnnie and Brian at Oysterbelle. As expected she got a picture of the abandoned amusement park ride - but it’s a different perspective than I’ve seen before - love it. Johnnie is a fellow textile lover (they bring in treasures from around the world - Morocco especially) and I like that Joyce came back with shots of fabric, blankets, and pillows.
Surely she was grinning when she took this “smile” photo, right?

Our store on Henkel Square was busy but I spent most of the show at Blue Hills. A few favorite moments from our space there... the bartender at Wildflyer Mead finding her coat. If you don’t know this story, read the previous Blue Hills post. Seeing Becky alongside #8fttallbecky. And, watching each of you choose your coat and telling me how you were going to style it. Ellecia @parisprep - you turned heads and took my breath away. Stunning!

If you haven’t experienced the Winter Show - put it on your calendar for next year. The weather … well we never know what we will get–but that will never stop us from having a fun time.
Now to rest up and get ready for the Spring Show.
Ellecia Knolle @ParisPrep